Anxiety can be an annoying and even debilitating condition in which people suffer from nervousness and worries that can consume them. While it’s normal to feel nervous in certain situations, getting help with anxiety after you get clean is important. It is a mental health condition in which people experience disproportionate levels of fear and worry in their daily lives. There are many reasons why people may suffer from anxiety in early recovery and a whole range of triggers that can differ depending on the individual.
Get Help with Anxiety
Considering that an estimated 31.1% of U.S. adults experience an anxiety disorder at some point in their lives, according to the National Institute of Mental Health, it’s so important to talk about anxiety and have open and honest conversations about coping mechanisms. Another area that needs to be addressed is the amount of people who go through anxiety before, during and after their drug or alcohol addiction.
If you are feeling anxious about your sobriety, this can have a big impact on your recovery and rehabilitation. A review of anxiety and substance abuse disorders found that in 75% of cases, anxiety predates substance abuse and addiction. It’s very common to feel anxious during addiction and after getting clean. That’s why it’s so beneficial to keep in mind these 8 tips to help with anxiety after getting clean.
Take a Deep Breath
Many people overlook the sheer power of breathing exercises when it comes to anxiety in early recovery. Truth be told, taking the time out to breathe in and breathe out can help with anxiety, help you calm down and think more clearly about what’s going on. It’s understandable for you to feel tense or nervous as the haze from your addiction clears and you begin to look toward the future. Just remember to breathe and take it one day at a time. Setting those expectations for yourself and carving out some time to just breathe and relax, is essential.
Find a Support Group
One of the keys to post-addiction success is having the support of people you love, trust and care about. You need that encouragement and understanding to move forward and make the most of your second chance at a healthy, sober life. Whether you have a close group of friends you can lean on, or you find a support group where you can talk about your feelings and your experiences, you will be much better off because of it. Having a support network can help with anxiety by guiding you on how to handle your anxiety effectively. Effective managing of anxiety is without these feelings mounting up and creating unbearable pressure and emotions.
Enjoy Exercise
By getting your body moving and your blood pumping, you will be focusing on something besides your addiction. There’s no doubt about the many benefits of physical activity, and you will feel rewarded when you focus on your physical health. Plus, if you find a certain exercise that you really like, you’ll have a new activity you can do regularly. Now’s your chance to get moving and make a positive difference for yourself!
Pick Up a New Hobby
You never know what you may end up really enjoying if you don’t try it! There’s so many healthy habits and hobbies out there, and if you choose something and give it your all, you will have another activity to focus on aside from your anxiety. Many people who suffer from anxiety say that they genuinely enjoy things like knitting, crafting, woodwork, writing and more, because they have an outlet. Having something else to do besides worry is healthy for everyone, particularly those who have struggled with addiction.
Determine a Healthier Coping Mechanism
Addiction is a disease that you will have to fight your entire life. This is a challenge, of course, but it can also be positive as you will be so proud of yourself when you stick to your goals and give your sobriety your best efforts. That being said, it’s a good idea to try and find a healthier way of coping with your anxiety and past trauma/pain. Drugs and alcohol are not the answer for you anymore, and you need to identify a better way to cope without hurting yourself and the people who love you. Whether this be going on a long walk, exercising at the gym, journaling your thoughts or talking with a friend, finding a coping mechanism that works for your anxiety in early recovery is a wonderful thing to do.
Channel Your Creativity
There’s a lot to be said for being creative, particularly when you’re feeling anxious. In many cases, anxiety can feel overwhelming and suffocating, but you can break through those emotions by getting creative and putting your brain to work. Rather than sitting alone with your thoughts building up in your head, you can put your thoughts on paper. Try drawing, painting, writing or sculpting to take your anxiety and turn it into something positive you can work with.
Sometimes, helping others can inspire you and help you to heal as well. Being alone with your anxiety isn’t always healthy, and it can really benefit you to be around others. Helping others at a local shelter, school, or even a recovery and rehabilitation resource, can help you make sense of your emotions and adopt a healthier mental, emotional and physical wellbeing.
Seek Professional Help With Anxiety
If you’ve been in the depths of despair due to addiction, please remember that you’re not alone and there are options available to you. There are plenty of resources out there, especially if your anxiety in early recovery or in the long-run seems to be getting the better of you. You shouldn’t feel ashamed to seek professional help if you feel like your anxiety is still out of control. You need to take care of yourself and make healthy choices that will aid in your continued recovery and sober success! For more information on how to get help with addiction or your present situation contact us at (866) 578-7471.
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